Our Services

From hiking to pets to branding, we’ve got you covered. Under one condition: Photoshoots are outside!

Introducing your award winning landscape photographer

He certainly looks the part, doesn’t he…

We aren’t kidding when we say we’ll take good photos. Recognized Canada-wide, Michael is a 2-time award winning landscape photographer, dedicated to catching beautiful landscapes and he’s so eager to have you in them. See his work on our portfolio page.

Throughout his life, he’s sought out many professions trying to keep his photography a passion and nothing more; however, after 8 years of exploring and despising all of his past careers, he finally had it and decided that photography was his true calling.

As a kid, Michael’s excuse to stay out of photos was to offer to take the photos for his family. Eventually, he became the camera man and dedicated family photographer.

In 2016, for a trip to Africa, his parents purchased a new camera, one that could change lenses and give Michael the chance to explore the complex world of photography.

Although it was a camera for the family, no one touched it besides Michael, and so he claimed ownership. Little did he know how far his passion would take him. From reaching high mountain peaks to meeting his girlfriend, photography has been the gateway to it all.

“Every friend group loves having a photographer in it. It’s shown me that photography is something that people want only after they got it. It’s my secret superpower.”

What to expect

Hiking Packages

Nature walks

Maybe you’re not a hardcore camper who only appreciates nature by eating dehydrated food and dirty water. That’s okay! Nature walks are a top contender and we love those, too.

For $119 CAD

This package includes:

  • Your favourite natural setting in the British Columbia Lower Mainland.

  • 20-50 edited digital images per hour spent shooting.

  • A visual display of how you appreciate nature.

  • & a bit of your daily exercise completed!

  • Note: Charges may differ depending on driving distance.

Day Hikes

We know what you’re thinking: There’s no better way to spend a Saturday morning walking on unkept paths, slugging away in wet forests, just to catch a mediocre sunrise, right? We agree.

Starting at $249 CAD | Bring your dog for an additional $60

This package includes:

  • A full day hike

    • 1:00AM to 11:00PM or anywhere in between.

    • Additional $30 hourly rate after 6 hours of hiking.

  • 50-100 edited digital images for the day.

  • Location and hike of your choice (excludes hikes requiring climbing equipment) in the Lower Mainland and Washington State (within reasonable distance).

  • Personalized help & guidance planning logistics & locations.

Overnight Hikes

Push your limits a bit and capture a sunset and a sunrise in just 24 hours out in a the wilderness with your pals (or just Michael. He’ll be your best friend).

For $749 CAD

This package includes:

  • A sunset and a sunrise photoshoot (can be different locations for each.)

  • 80-150 edited digital images for the trip.

  • Location and hike of your choice (excludes hikes requiring climbing equipment) in the Lower Mainland and Washington State (within 4 hours driving distance).

  • Personalized help & guidance planning logistics & locations.

  • Dog photos if you bring your pup!

Multi-day Hikes

You must be a real maniac to travel the distance for a photo. Well, it’s important to travel with like-minded people. Makes the trip a bit more fun.

Starting at $1000 CAD for 2 nights + $360/night after

This package includes:

  • A multi-day backpacking trip with a professional photographer.

  • 150-500 edited digital images for the trip.

  • Location and hike of your choice (excludes hikes requiring climbing equipment) in the Lower Mainland and Washington State.

  • Personalized help & guidance planning logistics & locations.

  • A full detailed itinerary recap of the trip.

  • A zine (printed book) of select edited photos.

  • A selection of backpacking itineraries to choose from or your own!

What to expect

Additional Services

Outdoor Branding and Lifestyle Photoshoot

Elevate your brand with Kamei Photo Lab's outdoor photography! From sunny fields to serene beaches, we'll capture your brand's essence with natural light. Attract hearts, spark curiosity, and boost sales with a stunning visual adventure. Let’s bring your brand's story to life!

Pricing options (CAD):

  • $120/product

  • $108/month (10% discount)

  • $88/month paid annually or $1056/year (27% discount)

  • Contact me for packages with multiple products per month.

This package includes:

  • A strategic natural setting in the British Columbia Lower Mainland that compliments the colours, textures, and functionality of your products.

  • 10-15 edited digital images matching your brands style.

  • 1 hour photoshoot of your product.

Outdoor Dog PhotoshooT

Watch your pup jump in fields, splash in puddles, or play in leaves. We'll show off your dog's personality in beautiful parks or trails. Each session captures joyful moments that last forever.

Starting at $119 CAD

This package includes:

  • A leisure walk in a natural setting.

    • You are welcome to suggest a location.

  • 20-50 edited digital images of your beautiful pup.

  • 1 hour photoshoot (plus 30 minute grace period).

  • Lots of dog treats!

  • Note: We will need your help and engagement to ensure your dog is paying attention and able to respond appropriately.

Not a hiker?

THat’s okay. Tell us how you appreciate nature, and we’ll capture it.

Grab a free chat session